Here is a list of scenery packages, tools and plugins that are known to use the OpenSceneryX library.
If you are a scenery developer and have used OpenSceneryX in your work, please post a comment here with a URL and we’ll keep this list up to date.
Please note that the packages listed below are not connected with the OpenSceneryX project, other than using the library. If you have any questions or queries about any of these packages, please contact the original author of the package.
Tools (7 sites)
- FS2XPlane Converter - Converts Microsoft Flight Simulator scenery to X-Plane
- Helicopter Rescue Mission Generator - Automatically generates a MedEvac mission scenery based on your preferences.
- OSM2XP v3 - A tool for converting OpenStreetMap data into X-Plane scenery packs
- OverlayEditor - A program for creating X-Plane Scenery. If OpenSceneryX is installed, this allows you to create scenery packs that use it. This is a great, easy to use editor.
- World2XPlane - Tool to create overlay scenery using OpenStreetMap data
- WorldEditor (WED) - A program for creating X-Plane Scenery. If OpenSceneryX is installed, this allows you to create scenery packs that use it. This is the official scenery building tool, developed and supported by Laminar.
- XAddonManager - A program for managing your installed scenery packs, aircraft, plugins and (if applicable) CSLs for flying online. Shameless plug, as I wrote and maintain this!
Plugins (6 sites)
- MarineTrafficX - A plugin for Windows that enhances X-Plane® with objects and ships that move along designated routes.
- Mobile Helipad - A plug-in that allows you to place a mobile helipad dynamically while you are running the sim.
- SSG 747-8 Ground Handling Animations - Animated ground handling vehicles.
- X-Life - A comprehensive and fully featured X-Plane ground and air traffic plugin.
- X-Refuel - Useable fuel stations for X-Plane
- XPGS Ground Services - Provides ground services to your aircraft.
Sites with Multiple Airport Packages or Widespread Coverage (75 sites)
- Aeropostale Global - This package allows you to “fly the line”, from Toulouse-Montaudran to Santiago de Chile, as in the 30’s
- AussiePaks - A set of scenery packages covering the whole of Australia and containing an enormous number of airports and strips
- Briançon, France - This scenery is intended to give a more realistic picture of the area of Briançon and provide interesting possibilities for those who like to fly helicopters
- California Air - If you fly with California Air, they have a large number of scenery packages available for download by their pilots. Many of these use OpenSceneryX.
- China - A collection of 8 airports in China: ZGGG, ZUUU, ZSAM, ZSQD, RCTP, RCSC, ZSNT, ZSNB
- Destination Florida - 58 Florida airports: KEGI, FL34, FL35, KVPS, KPNS, KHRT, KTLH, KNRB, KNPA, KCRG, KVQQ, KNIP, KPFN, KLCQ, KPAM, 2CB, KGNV, KGNV, 28J, F47, 17FL, KOCF, KPIE, KMCF, KAGR, KSRQ, KPBI, KRSW, KBCT, KOPF, KHST, KMTH, KNQX, 34FD, 1J6, 04FL, 2FD6, FD63, 1FD1, 3FD6
- DR Congo Bush Strips - Six airstrips in the Democratic Republic of Congo: FZ01, FZ02, FZRN, FZRQ, FZRM, FZNA
- Ghana Minor Airports - Seven secondary airports in Ghana: DGLE, DGLN, DGLW, DGLY, DGSI, DGSN, DGTK
- Island of Vieques - TJVQ, PR18
- Jiuzhai Huanglong - ZUJZ, ZLYS
- KCHA and KNQA - Two airports in Tennessee
- Labrador - All airports in Labrador except Goose Bay – CZUM, CYMH, CCK4, CCP4, CCA6, CCH4, CCE4, CYCA, CYDE, CCZ2, CCD4, CYFT, CYHO, CNH2, CYDP
- LIML Milano Linate & LIMB Bresso - A pair of airports in Italy
- Lower East North-East Ontario - CB01, CNM4, CNC7, CNH7, CNM3
- NebraskaPak - Custom scenery aiming to provide every airport in Nabraska. Currently provides KANW, KBVN, KAIA, 4D9, 4V9, 37V, 38V, KAUH, KBIE, KCNP, KBTA, 84Y, KFNB, KHDE, KBBW, KEPG, KCSB, 07K, KGRI, KCDR, KOLU, KCZD, KBUB, 6K3, KCEK, 47V, 93Y, KODX
- Nepal Jomsom – Annapurna - VNJS, VNBL, VNMA, VNGK
- New Jersey Shoreline - A collection of packages covering the New Jersey shoreline.
- New TBM Road over North Atlantic
- New Zealand Rural Airstrips - 26 airstrips across New Zealand
- North-East Colorado Airports - Nineteen small to medium airports in North-East Colorado: K00V, K2V5, K2V6, K3V5, K7V5, K18V, K33V, KA50, KAKO, KBDU, KEIK, KFMM, KFNL, KFTG, KGXY, KHEQ, KLIC, KLMO, KSTK
- North-West Colorado Airports – Part I - Eight small to medium North-West Colorado airports: KGJT, KGNB, KGUC, KGWS, KHDN, KMJY, KSBS
- North-West Colorado Airports – Part II - Twelve medium to small North-West Colorado Airports: K4V0, K7V2, K8V6, K20V, K99V, KC07, KAIB, KAJZ, KASE, KCAG, KEEO, KEGE
- Northern Alaska Airports - PPIZ, PASC, PAQT, PATQ, PABR
- Northern New Mexico Airports - Six Northern New Mexico airports – KAEG, KCUS, KFMN, KSAF, KSKX, KN19
- Ohio Airports - A large number of Airports across Ohio
- Orkney and Shetland Extras - Five fictional airports
- PANC Ted Stevens International & PACV Merle K. (Mudhole) Smith
- Prefab scenery for 25000 airports - 25000 computer generated airports with 33 types of sceneries in 3 different layouts and 3 climates zones
- Quebec Abitibi - Six airports in the Abitibi region: CYEY, CYUY, SR8, CTA4, CYXR, CYVO
- Quebec Bas St-Laurent - Three airports in the Bas St-Laurent area: CYRI, CSE5, CSH2
- Quebec Beauce - Four airports in the Beauce area: CSL4, CYSG, CSL5, CSG5
- Quebec Bush 04 - CGD2, CTM3, CTD3, CRB4, CSE6, CSV7, CYMT, CSH4, CYNM, CSW8
- Quebec Bush 05 - CMN5, CSH8, CSL9, CSD6, CSM8, CTH3
- Quebec Bush 07 - CYLP, CTK6, CTB6, CTU5, CYWK, CCX5, CYKL, CSZ9
- Quebec Cote-Nord - Five airports in the Cote-Nord region: CYBC, CYFE, CYXK, CYYY, CYZV
- Quebec Estrie - Six airports in the Estrie and Bois-Francs regions: CZBM, SC3, CSM3, CSQ3, CSR3, CYSC
- Quebec Gaspesie - Seventeen airports in the Gaspesie region: CYCL, CZBF, CDA4, CYCH, CYIF, CYBX, CYHR, CTT5, CYNA, CYGV, CYPN, CYGR, CYGP, CYME, CY5Z, CTG3, CYVB
- Quebec Grande Riviere - Twelve airports in the La Grande Riviere region: CYGW, CCP6, CTU2, CSU2, CYGL, CYAD, CYAH, CYNC, CZEM, CPN8, CYHH, CYKQ
- Quebec Laurentides - Nine airports in the Laurentides region: CSG3, CSBK, CSM5, CSD4, CYFJ, CYMW, CSZ3, CYPP, CSY4
- Quebec Mauricie - Three airports in the Mauricie region: CBGO, CSS7, CYLQ
- Quebec Miscellaneous 07 - CTQ6, CST7, CSU4, CSC5, CSZ4, CTW2, CSL5, CYSG
- Quebec Miscellaneous 08 - Five Quebec airports: PVT2, CSX5, CSH3, CSK4, CSN5
- Quebec Monteregie - Seven airports in the Monteregie region: CSB3, CSK3, CSFR, CSP5, CSX3, CSY3, CSU3
- Quebec Outaouais - Seven airports in the Outaouais region: CYND, SE4, CSS3, CPG5, CNV4, CYCC, CYRP
- Quebec Saguenay - Six airports in the Saguenay region: CYBG, CYRC, CYRJ, CYDO, CYTF, CYML
- Quebec Trois-Rivieres - Three airports in the lower Mauricie Region: CSL3, CYRQ, CSJ4
- Republic of Marshall Islands - PKMJ and PKWA
- Saskatchewan Central - This scenery covers about 1/3 of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, from latitude 51 to 53. About 48 small airports and 2 unregistered airstrips are included.
- Saskatchewan North - This scenery covers the Northern 2/3 of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada, from latitude 53 to 60. About 54 airports, 8 unregistered airstrips and 13 water aerodromes are included.
- Saskatchewan South (part 1) - CJN4, CTP3, CTP4, CYEN, CTP5, CYYN, CJE3
- Schulzweb - A selection of scenery packages: LOWW, LOWG, LGMK, AYMO, LOAV, LOXT, AYPY, LHFM, LOAN
- Seychelles - Contains scenery for the Seychelles, including FSIA and FSPP
- Society Islands (Tahiti, Bora-Bora, Moorea) - NTAA, NTTM, NTTB, NTTH, NTTE, NTTR, NTTP
- South-East Colorado Airports - Fourteen South-East Colorado airports: K1V6, K4V1, K5V4, K7V9, K07V, K8V7, K9V7, KC08, K08, KITR, KLAA, KLHX, KPUB, KTAD
- South-West Colorado Airports – Part I - Nine South-West Colorado airports: K05V, KC24, KAEJ, KANK, KCEZ, KLXV, KPSO, KSPO, KTEX
- South-West Colorado Airports – Part II - Five South-West Colorado airports: KMVI, KALS, K8V1, K1V8, K04V
- Southwest Ontario Secondary Airports - Sixteen airports in Southwest Ontario: CNC3, CNC3, CNY3, CPR7, CYCE, CYFD, CYGD, CYKF, CYOS, CYVV, CZBA, NM4, NS7, PE4, PH3, PV2
- Stuart and Eliza Islands - Two small airfields in the San Juans – 2WA3 and WA93
- Switzerland VFR - Photo-real scenery for Switzerland
- SwitzerlandPak - A collection of 20 airports in Switzerland
- Tahoe, CA - Two airports in the Tahoe, CA region: KTRK and KTVL
- Ted’s X-Plane Scenery - A large collection of worldwide airports.
- Tenerife VFR - Photorealistic scenery of Tenerife island in the Canaries
- Tucson Arizona Area Airports – WWII - A collection of WWII airports in the Tucson Arizona area, in the 1940 to 1949 era
- Unalakleet River Gravel Bars - Wild Alaska: PAUN & Fictional Identifiers XX01 through XX09
- VFR Reporting Points Belgium - Some visual reporting points across Belgium
- VFR Worldwide Landmarks by simHeaven - Improve the look of XP with visual objects like chimneys, radio masts and communication towers, churches, mosques, wind turbines etc, generated from OpenStreetMap data
- VOZ Vista Australis - A huge number of Australian Airports
- X-Europe 4 by simHeaven - Europe-wide scenery generated from OpenStreetMap data
- xHawaii - Includes the Hawaii airports PHOG and PHTO
- XP-Africa - A major project to develop airports in Africa and the Middle East.
- XPFR - A major project to develop airports in France and Switzerland.
- XPIH Dublin Area, Ireland - Dublin area airports and airfields, including EIDW, EIWT, EIME, EIBA, EINC, EIGN, EIKH, EIGM and EITM
Individual Airport Packages (410 sites)
- 00CA Goldstone
- 0A9 Elizabethton Municipal
- 27CL Sopwith Farm
- 2NC0 Mountain Air Burnsville
- 3NC0 Clyde Valley
- 3XS7 Bell Helicopter Training Facility
- AGGN Gizo
- Archipiélago Chinijo
- AYMO Momote
- AYPY Port Moresby
- AZ67 El Tiro Glider Port
- CDK2 Diavik
- Cedar Point
- City of Fürth, Germany
- CNC3 Brampton Flying Club
- CPZ3 Mountainview
- Cressin-Rochefort
- CYBC Baie-Comeau
- CYDA Dawson
- CYFE Forestville
- CYGR Iles de la Madeleine
- CYHM Hamilton International
- CYHY Hay River
- CYMJ Moose Jaw
- CYML Charlevoix
- CYMX Mirabel
- CYOW Ottawa International
- CYRO Rockcliffe
- CYVR Vancouver
- CYWG Winnipeg
- CYXE Saskatoon
- CYXK Rimouski
- CYXU London Ontario
- CYYC Calgary
- CYYJ Victoria International
- CYYT St. John's
- CZNL Nelson Norman Stibbs
- DIAP Abidjan
- EDAN Neustadt-Glewe
- EDAQ Halle-Oppin
- EDAR Pirna Pratzschwitz
- EDBC Magdeburg Cochstedt
- EDBJ Jena Schöngleina
- EDCR Rerik-Zweedorf
- EDCW Wismar-Mueggenburg
- EDDF Frankfurt
- EDDG Münster/Osnabrück
- EDDM Munich
- EDDN Nuernberg
- EDDS Stuttgart
- EDDT Berlin Tegel
- EDFH Frankfurt Hahn
- EDGS Siegerland
- EDHE Uetersen
- EDHI Finkenwerder
- EDHM Hartenholm
- EDHM Hartenholm
- EDHO Ahrenlohe
- EDHS Stade
- EDLK Krefeld Egelsberg
- EDLK Krefeld Egelsberg
- EDML Landshut
- EDMS Straubing Wallmühle
- EDMV Vilshofen
- EDMW Deggendorf
- EDNY Friedrichshafen
- EDQE Burg Feuerstein
- EDQH Herzogenaurach
- EDQT Hassfurt-Schweinfurt
- EDRY Speyer
- EDTD Donaueschingen-Villingen
- EDTF Freiburg
- EDTZ Konstanz
- EDVK Kassel-Calden
- EDWG Wangerooge
- EDWY Norderney
- EDX2 Helicopter Training Area
- EDXF Flensburg
- EFHV Hyvinkää
- EFHV Hyvinkää
- EFKA Kauhava
- EGBB Birmingham
- EGBJ Gloucestershire
- EGBM Tatenhill
- EGCB Barton
- EGCC Manchester International
- EGCK Caernarfon Airport
- EGEF Fair Isle
- EGEO Oban Airport
- EGFH Swansea
- EGGP Liverpool John Lennon
- EGHE St. Mary's
- EGHJ Bembridge
- EGHN Sandown
- EGKA Shoreham
- EGKB Biggin Hill
- EGKB Biggin Hill
- EGLC London City
- EGLL Heathrow
- EGLS Old Sarum
- EGMC Southend
- EGNH Blackpool
- EGNL Walney
- EGNX East Midlands
- EGOV RAF Valley
- EGPG Cumbernauld
- EGPH Edinburgh
- EGPJ Fife
- EGPR Barra
- EGPW Unst
- EGQK RAF Kinloss
- EGQS RAF Lossiemouth
- EGSU Duxford
- EGSY Sheffield
- EHAM Schiphol Amsterdam
- EHEH Eindhoven
- EHHV Hilversum
- EHTX Texel
- EHVB Valkenburg
- EHVE TrafficPort Venlo
- EICK Cork
- EICM Galway
- EIKN Knock
- EK62 Inselhopping
- ENMS Mosjøen Kjærstad
- ENRA Røssvoll
- ENVA Trondheim Vaernes
- ETUO RAF Gütersloh
- FACT Cape Town
- FAKR Krugersdorp
- FBKE Kasane
- FBSK Gaborone
- FHAW Wideawake Field
- FIMR Rodrigues Island
- FNCT Catumbela
- FNSA Saurimo, Angola
- FOOL Libreville Leon M'ba International
- FQPB Pemba, Mozambique
- FXKA Katse Dam Lesotho
- FXME Matekane
- FZAA N'djili
- GCGM La Gomera
- GCHI El Hierro
- German Airspace Obstacles
- Gravelly Valley Radio Controlled Air Park
- GVSV Sao Pedro
- Harrier Hides
- HEMS Alberta
- K1A5 Macon County
- K24A Jackson County
- K3CK Lake in the Hills
- K3W5 Mears Field
- K40G Valle
- K5A5 Taylorsville
- K6S5 Ravalli County
- K7A8 Avery County
- K8S2 Cashmere-Dryden
- KABQ Albuquerque International
- KAEG Double-Eagle
- KAFP Anson County
- KAHN Athens Ben-Epps
- KAKH Gastonia Municipal
- KALS San Luis Valley Regional
- KAPA Centennial Airport Denver
- KAVL Asheville
- KAVQ Marana Regional
- KAXX Angel Fire Airport
- KAYZ Zahns Airport
- KBGR Bangor
- KBJC Rocky Mountain Denver
- KBLI Bellingham International
- KBLM Monmouth Executive
- KBTM Bert Mooney
- KBUY Burlington-Alamance
- KBVS Skagit
- KBWI Baltimore
- KC24 Mineral County
- KCDW Essex County
- KCGN Grand Canyon
- KCLM Port Angeles
- KCNY Canyonlands
- KCOF Patrick Airforce Base
- KCOS Colorado Springs
- KCVO Corvallis
- KDCA Ronald Reagan Washington
- KDEN Denver
- KDMA Davis Monthan
- KDRO Durango La Plata
- KDXR Danbury Municipal
- KEHO Shebly
- KEQY Charlotte-Monroe Executive
- KFDK Frederick Municipal
- KFFZ Mesa Falcon Field
- KFQD Rutherford
- KGEG Spokane
- KGEV Ashe County
- KGUP Gallup Municipal
- KGVL Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport
- KHAO Butler County Regional
- KHEF Manassas
- KHII Lake Havasu City
- KHSE Billy Mitchell Field
- KHST Homestead Air Reserve Base
- KILM Wilmington
- KIPJ Lincolnton
- Kirov Chaikovka
- KJQF Concord
- KJXN Jackson County
- KJYO Leesburg Executive
- KLAM Los Alamos
- KLAS McCarran International
- KLAS McCarran International
- KLAX Los Angeles
- KLXV Lake County
- KMC1 Sunnyport Titusville
- KMCD Mackinac
- KMEM Memphis International
- KMGM Montgomery
- KMHT Manchester-Boston Regional
- KMMH Mammoth
- KMMU Morristown Municipal
- KMPI Mariposa-Yosemite
- KMRN Foothills Regional
- KMVY Martha's Vineyard
- KMWC Lawrence J Timmerman Field
- KMWK Mount Airy/Surry County
- KMWO Middletown Regional
- KMZJ Pinal Airpark
- KNLC Lemoore
- KNLC NAS Lemoore
- KNRS Imperial Beach
- KNYL Yuma International
- KONP Newport Oregon
- KORF Norfolk International
- KOSH Oshkosh
- KPDK Peachtree Dekalb
- KPDX Portland International
- KPHX Phoenix Sky Harbor
- KRHP Andrews
- KRNO Reno / Tahoe International
- KROA Roanoke
- KRTN Raton Municipal
- KRUQ Rowan County
- KRYN Ryan
- KSEE Gillespie Field
- KSFO San Francisco
- KSKX Taos
- KSLC Salt Lake City
- KSMF Sacramento International
- KSMO Santa Monica
- KSQL San Carlos
- KSTC St. Cloud
- KSUN Sun Valley
- KSVH Statesville Regional
- KSWF Stewart International
- KTUS Tucson International
- KUKF Wilkes County
- KVKX Potomac
- KW95 Ocracoke Island
- KZEF Elkin
- LEBL Barcelona
- LFAT Le Touquet
- LFBL Limoges
- LFEN Tours Sorigny
- LFKD Sollières Sardières
- LFKD Sollières-Sardières
- LFKY Belley Peyrieu
- LFLB Chambery-Aix
- LFLE Chambéry Challes-les-Eaux
- LFMK Carcassonne Salvaza
- LFMN Nice
- LFMP Perpignan Rivesaltes
- LFMU Béziers Cap d'Agde
- LFNJ Aspres sur Buech
- LFPB Le Bourget, Paris
- LFPG Paris Charles de Gaulle
- LFSN Nancy-Essey
- LGMK Mykonos
- LH58 Csakvar
- LHGD Godollo
- LHPP Pecs-Pogany
- LHZA Zalaegerszeg
- LIAP L'Aquila
- LIBD Karol Wojtyla
- LIER Oristano Fenosu
- LIMP Parma
- LIPR Rimini-Miramare
- LIPX Verona Villafranca
- LIRF Roma Fiumicino Leonardo Da Vinci
- LIRQ Firenze
- LOAN Wiener Neustadt Ost
- LOIH Dornbirn/Hohenems
- LOIJ St. Johann in Tirol
- LOWZ Zell am See
- LP01 Lourinha Aerodromo
- LPCS Cascais
- LPFR Faro International
- LPPT Lisbon Portela
- LRIA Iasi
- LRZ Christoph 16
- LSGG Geneva
- LSML Lodrino
- LSZA Lugano
- LSZG Grenchen
- LSZH Zürich
- MCAS Miramar
- Melbourne City
- Merlet
- MKJS Sangster International
- MSLP El Salvador International
- MTPP Port-au-Prince
- MUGM Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
- NC06 Elk River
- NC27 Lower Creek
- NC52 Silver Creek
- NFNA Fiji Nausori
- NVVV Bauerfield
- NWWD Kone
- NWWE Moue L'isle des Pins
- NWWL Lifou
- Nürnberg VFR
- NZAP Taupo
- NZCH Christchurch
- NZGS Gisborne
- NZKK Kerikeri
- NZMC Mount Cook
- NZMF Milford Sound
- NZMO Manapouri
- NZMS Hood Aerodrome Masterton
- NZNV Invercargill
- PAMR Merrill Field
- PASI Sitka Rocky Gutierrez
- PBII Enyu
- PHDH Dillingham
- PHNL Honolulu International
- PHOG Maui
- PHTO Hilo International
- PTKK Chuuk State
- PTYA YAP Island
- Quebec Lighthouses
- S30 Lebanon Oregon
- S45 Siletz Bay
- SA44 Belen
- SAWH Ushuaia
- SBBH Pampulha
- SBBI Bacacheri
- SBFI Cataratas
- SBGW Guaratingueta
- SBIP Ipatinga/Usiminas
- SBLJ Lages
- SBMT Campo de Marte
- SBPR Carlos Prates
- SBSJ São José dos Campo
- SBST Base Aerea de Santos
- SCIP Easter Island, Chile
- SDAG Angra dos Reis
- SDAM Campo dos Amarais
- SDBK Botucatu
- SDCO Sorocaba
- SDIM Itanhaem
- SDJD Jundiaí
- SDRS Resende
- SDTK Paraty
- SDUB Ubatuba
- SEGS Baltra
- SNEJ Monte Verde
- SNLO São Lourenço
- SPUC Guarapiranga
- SSBL Blumenau
- SSCN Canela
- SSPG Paranagua
- SSSB São Borja
- St. Kilda
- TAGN Tagoror
- TGPY Maurice Bishop International Grenada
- TGPZ Carriacou Grenada
- TT02 Ulithi
- TUPA Captain Aguste George
- UKLU Uzhhorod International
- UTAA Ashgabad
- UTAT Dashoguz
- UTTT Tashkent
- UUDD Domodedovo
- UWLL Barataevka
- VHSK Shek Kong
- VNKT Kathmandu
- VNLK Nepal Lukla
- VNPK Nepal Pokhara
- VQ10 Bhutan
- VVNB Hanoi
- WADD Bali
- X05 Pilot Country
- X5ES Eshott
- X6KT RAF Kirknewton
- XHAK Howland Island
- XXHI Heard Island
- XXKI Kerguelen Islands
- YBCS Cairns
- YDPO Devonport, Tasmania
- YHOX Hoxton Park
- YPPH Perth Australia
- YSCN Camden
- YWBS Warraber Island
- ZBAA Beijing International
- ZKPY Pyongyang Sunan International
- ZSCM Chong Min Dao
- ZSPD Shanghai
- ZSSS Shanghai
- ZSZS Zhoushan
- “My Hut”
There are now over 5000 scenery packages that use OpenSceneryX and it is impossible to keep the list on this page up to date. Fortunately most scenery developers mention OpenSceneryX in their descriptions, so one way of finding them is to search for this.
Here’s a quick link to perform this search on
Hi guys,
congrats to this great project. I have build a scenery for DGAA Accra in Ghana. It uses some OpenSceneryX objects and can be found under the link above.
Awesome work you all! Love it!
I used OpenSceneryX to place some objects in my EDTD package downloadable here:
OpenSceneryX is great. I am happy to have it to use in a number of sceneries found at
I’ve enhanced a conversion of Manfred Schyma’s Harrier Hides using OpenScenery which can be found here:
Hopefully, the developers of the original objects will their work to be added to this library in the near future…
Does anyone create Redbull Air Race courses complete with pylons?
I used OpenSceneryX for my KCDW airport scenery package, which can be downloaded here:
Hello, I’ve used OpenSceneryX for static aircraft, cars, boats, and trees for my NJ Shore Airports Package found here:
I would like to more then once say thank you for the effort you have put into this project
Where ever I can I have used Open scenery in my own efforts to build something interesting into those sceneries : after HESH Sharm EL Sheikh, there are the following airports
FJDG Diego Garcia, UENGS Engels, CYYR Goose Bay, EDMO Oberpfaffenhofen, KTTS NASA Shuttle Landing Facility, VRMM Male Intl and EDNX Schleissheim. There are more to come which I am working on now.
If I could compensate for your efforts with a bit of mine, then I can offer that I have a bunch of
Military aircraft which I could offer as static planes. Let me know if there is any interest,because people have written to me about the poor selection of Military planes in open scenery ( which I confirm). Maybe I can help a bit
kind regards capella
Thank you for the kind words capella, I’m glad OpenSceneryX works well for you!
Firstly, could you post the URL(s) where your sceneries can be downloaded, and I’ll add them to the list above.
Secondly, yes it would be great if you could contribute some mil static aircraft. Only one person has mentioned the lack of mil aircraft to me personally, but if you’ve had comments then it sounds like there is a need for them. This page: describes how to contribute to the library and there is an upload form here:
Many thanks to ALL contributors, you do a great job!
I used OpenSceneryX for my package “LRZ Christoph 16” downloadable here:
Hi papasierra, could you modify your download page to mention that OpenSceneryX is needed – it’s good to let people know this.
Many thanks for using the library!
Sanjiv, you didn’t include a link to your package. Post a URL here and I’ll add it to the list.
Thank you for the package – I could not have built my package without it. I wish I were competent enough to develop objects to enhance the package – will keep plugging away till I get it right.
I have created the enhancements for KGAI – Montgomery County Airpark in Gaithersburg, MD USA.
I used OpenSceneryX to place objects in my EDTZ Konstanz package downloadable here:
I used OpenSceneryX to place objects in my ‘YWBS Warraber Island Airport, Sue Islet (Queensland, Australia)’ package downloadable here:
Hi Austin,
I released a new airport using OpenSceneryX:
KHEF Manassas Airport (Harry P. Davis Field), Virginia, USA
Available at:
Hi Austin,
I released a new airport using OpenSceneryX:
EDWY Norderney (NRD), East Frisian Isles, Germany
Available at:
Switzerland Pak – LFHM Megeve, LOIO Zwieselstein, LOIP Ischgl-Idalpe, LSEZ Zermatt, LSGR Reichenbach, LSMA Alpnach, LSMC Ulrichen, LSMF Mollis, LSML Lodrino, LSPG Kaegiswil, LSPM Ambri, LSPO Olten, LSPU Munster, LSTA Raron, LSXC Geissholz, LSXE Erstfeld, LSXN Kussnacht a.R., LSXP Pfaffnau, LSXU Untervaz, LSZS Samedan
Hy guys
I have for a long time swiss2004 1 and 2 + swisspark
I really loved for training to flight from LSGG to LFHM (Megeve)
I re-isntallaed all my system and x-plane for a better use of gtk+
BUT : I have again (like it was at my start on XP) a nuked runway on LFHM where the mountain break the runway …. I used to fixed it before my re-installing, I dont remember how do we fix it again ?
System : X-Plane 9.60rc2 – Ubuntu 9.04 – swiss2004 1/2 – swisspark – CH-Switzerland Roads 0.02 – and all the swiss standalone scenery
I used to installed a lot of french scenery like Toulouse and other DO someone think it could be one of these FR scenery which fixed the LFHM runway ?
PLZ quickly im sad to not flight my training road..
I’m afraid we don’t have anything to do with the scenery packages that use OpenSceneryX, so you’ll need to contact the author of SwitzerlandPak to get an answer to your question (Barry Roberts).
Dear Sirs,
Thank you so much for all the hard work in producing this library! I did my first small airport and it was a blast. I so appreciate you making this available. I wish more people would use it and share their artistic ability so X-plane could be more complete. I look forward to more updates. Any people objects in the works?
We just have one person in the package at the moment, the plane spotter. I’m afraid there aren’t any more people in the next release yet. If anyone has any, please submit them and we’ll get them in.
could someone please if at all possible, make updated scenery for MTPP port au prince intnl from the earthquake and pretty much all of haiti and dom rep if at all? thanks…
or point me in the right direction idf there is already one, cause i can’t find it if it does exist..
Just uploaded Cashmere-Dryden (8S2), Washington, USA:
I am making a VFR reporting points-scenery of Belgium at the moment. Some items I make myself using Blender, others are from the OpensceneryX.
Parts of my scenery might be suitable for OpensceneryX, I will post them later on when I am satisfied with the quality. I am still working at it now, but the scenery is already usable as it is.
Please drop me a line if you like my work…
I have taken the liberty of using opensceneryX for my Eshott (X5ES) scenery pack.
here’s the original file :
Thanks for the pack! It makes scenery development fun again!
Moving from FSX to X-Plane… My site will be updated with the time – especially when I will find a way to convert my FSX photo real sceneries to X-Plane…
I uploaded today a small airport scenery for the Langenlebarn Mil LOXT near Tulln near Vienna Austria.
It is using your great library objects!!!
Yet another scenery which uses OpensceneryX … EDBC (Magdeburg Cochstedt) in Eastern Germany.
You can find it at
Thanks a lot to OpensceneryX for the good work.
I wonder if some one out there would like to do a nice sencery for EKCH (Copenhagen apt Kastrup) It would be fun to have a great sencery for xplane ,
Hi guys. Some remarkable work here. Was wondering if someone could do the airport at Maderia, Portugal. There are a LOT of people that would get this one if it was here. If blinking lights were added to mark the approach that would make it even more special. Again your hard work is not going unnoticed. Thanks to all of you.
My scenery of KSQL uses OpenSceneryX.
For starters, I wish to thank this whole community! It’s a great idea to share many hours of work with others!
I have developed Florence Peretola (LIRQ/FLR) Airport for X-Plane v9 and released v2.0b just a couple of days ago. I then provide here the link to my Website, where you can find the whole Scenery Package and download it for free (Donations are welcome, though!). I’ll look foreward to seeing if some objects may be useful by this community, and upload then here; although they are very “LIRQ-Specific”, I can try to rend them as generic as I can…!
Thank you very much,
Hi everyone. Just signed on yesterday and have use OpenSceneryX. I grew up on some military bases in Spain and am wondering if anyone know of some scenery for LETO / LERT / LEZG Tks
I uploaded Sunvalley KSUN to the scenery files.
I am working on 5 more airports.
Thank all
Could you post a link to the download page for your KSUN package, so I can add it to this page – I can’t see it on
Link to Sunvalley KSUN
OR can be found in downloads/scenery/scenery packages/librairies(DSF)>sunvalley
Just uploaded EGEO Oban Airport (North Connel) to made good use of OpensceneryX and included “Developers Kit” in the scenery package.
I just uploaded KBLI Bellingham,WA to scenery files.
scenery packages/librairies(DSF)>Bellingham.
WE need a chain link fence for airport perimeter that is not 10 ft high.
I used OpenSceneryX in my VHSK Shek Kong Airfield:
I uploaded Port Angeles,WA KCLM package includes CGAS and 11S.
I created Frederick Municipal, Frederick, MD (KFDK) using Open Scenery. Still a work in progress as well as a few others that are not yet available for public use including Potomac Airfield, Friendly, MD (KVKX) and Leesburg Executive, Leesburg, VA (KJYO).
The link for KFDK is below.
<a href="" title="Frederick Municipal Airport, Home of AOPA, Frederick, MD"
Hey Folks,
I created KFDK, KVKX and KJYO though only KFDK is currently available. Check the link below.
Frederick Municipal Airport, Home of AOPA, Frederick , MD”
Below are the other two airports:
Leesburg Executive – KJYO
Potomac Airfield – KVKX
just uploaded the Ghana Minor Airports package with OpenSceneryX objects:
Kind regards
Uploaded the Nürnberg VFR package which includes some OpenSceneryX objects:
Best wishes,
How wonderful it would be if someone would set up taxiway signs and runway signs at Toronto CYYZ.
Negociating through that maze on x-plane at night when flying on VATSIM particularly,
can be quite stressful.
Making objects compatible with XP 10 and LIT textures
I can easily remove fake shadows from my contributions but the lit textures include self-illumination – from porch lights or wall-mounted lights that are not actually modeled. For the texture to look correct at night, lights will have to be added to the object.
My second scenery: the whole city of Fürth in Germany – enhanced by … OpensceneryX ;-).
Used openscenery in Iasi Intl. Airport (LRIA):
Used OpenSceneryX in my sceneries:
GCGM (La Gomera airport):
TAGN (Tagoror airport):
Just about finished KBNA, Nashville. Major use of OpenSceneryX and the R2_Library
Could you post a link?
I’ve upload a new scenery that uses (enhacing) OpenSceneryX 2.0:
GCHI (El Hierro airport):
I made some airfields using OpenScenery: EDDG, EDML, EDMS, EDMV, EDMW, EDQH, EDWG and LOIJ
Downloads and additional Links are available at but also over my website:
Hi Austin,
We released that Hyvinkää – EFHV , it uses newest library.
Thanks !
Ou, i forgot say, this is TruScenery EFHV – Hyvinkää
Hi, I have many scenerys with openscenery x objects
Link to my website:
Thank you
Uploaded “Tenerife VFR” with some opensceneryx objects and forest.
Uploaded “Archipiélago Chinijo” with some opensceneryx objects
Just released EDLK – Egelsberg for X-Plane 10.21+
LPPT Lisbon Portela Airport
now including OpenSceneryX Library
Please add to List
Many thanks for letting us know, LPPT has been added to the list.
while trying to download scenery from your list, I found that several of those links to pointing into website are no longer working – they result in displaying an overview instead of leading to the desired package.
However, they can be easily fixed if the following is changed:
Inside the link the part “autocom” needs to be changed to “app”.
If you look at the links, you will find plenty of both.
Maybe you can setup some batch job, that fixes the stuff globally.
All the best for OpenScenery X, thanks a lot for providing this for free!
Many thanks for taking time to work out what the problem was – those are all now fixed.
Hi, LFKD Sollières Sardières and Merlet,France and Private strip Cressin Rochefort are using Open Scenery X.
For x-plane 10+
Thank you for letting us know, those three have been added to the list.
Hi ! Just released LFLB V10 Chambéry-Aix on XPFR.
Link :
For X-plane 10.25.
Thank you! LFLB has been added.
sometimes ago i have released a scenery for X-Plane 10 (v 10.25+):
EDHM with FlyIn (Hartenholm).
It uses OpensceneryX and other Libraries…
Greets Heinz
Thanks Heinz, your EDHM has been added.
Please add FBKE (Kasane – Botswana) and FXKA (Katse Dam – Lesotho) which I created as they both contain some OpensceneryX objects.
Many thanks, those have been added.
Hello all,
I’m new again to x-plane after a few years….I need help with a scenery package I’ve got called Victoria 1 which is Victoria BC city centre and the Inner Harbour. I’m afraid I don’t know the origin but it uses opensceneryx so I thought I’d ask here.
In the inner harbour there are two ship one cruise liner and the other a container ship that are way oversized and I’d like to delete these objects from that package so I can fly in and out of the harbour on float planes. Is there someone out there that can assist me here? I’m happy to forward the source file I’ve got in a PM
Many thanks
Hi Wrench,
Welcome back! You can use either the official World Editor (WED) or Marginal’s OverlayEditor to edit scenery packages. You can import a scenery package with either tool and change it, including removing objects if you need to.
Greetings, I uploaded FNCT Catumbela – Angola to the X-Plane website
My thanks to the Openscenery team for the objects which I used.
Thanks Raffles, that’s been added to the list.
Hi guys, another package using your marvelous library
FNSA Saurimo – Angola
Many thanks
Hi Raffles, many thanks FNSA has now been added.
The last xpfr scenery
LFLE Chambéry-Challes les eaux is using open scenery X.
It’s here :
Have a good day !
Many thanks Eliott, that’s been added.
I created my first ever scenery package and used your excellent OpenSceneryX package. You can find it at
Forgot to add, my scenery package is MUGM Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
Many thanks, that’s been added.
Happy New Year, I have just uploaded FQPB Pemba – Mozambique to the org,
and don’t forget (mentioned above)
FNSA Saurimo – Angola
Hi Raffles, Happy New Year! Those have now been added (sorry for the delay)
Hey there !
Sorry I forgot to tell you : LFKD sollières sardières on XPFR is using open scenery X
Thanks for your work !!
Thanks Eliott, that’s been added to the list.
I have just uploaded a scenery package to the org for FOOL – LIbreville which contains Opensceneryx artefacts. Many thanks, and are you aware of the problem that the artefacts don’t show up in WED 1.5 and greater?
Sorry, the link ->
Many thanks, that’s added. No I wasn’t aware of the problem with WED 1.5, is this still an issue?
Hi guys
I have build LFNJ Aspres sur buech (south of France) and the scenery contain, some “open scenery” objects.
Here is the link :
Many many thanks for this amazing project wich contribute to enhance ours creations
Many thanks for letting us know, that’s been added to the list.
Hello. I added some objects from your library in our scenery.
Thank you very much for the great library.
Link to scenery:
Thank you for letting us know, UTTT has now been added.
I have developed a set of scenery libraries that I intend to up-load to (as username Headwind H) in the next few weeks. They are named Headwind Grain_ Land_Library (I guess I need to add a 1.0), and Headwind_Water_Tower Library (1.0). With my new libraries I intend to upload several Scenery Packages, (all with version 1.0 add); Headwind_Scenery_Kansas_City_Sectional, Headwind_Scenery_Wichita_Sectional, Headwind_Scenery_Metro_Wichita_KS, and Headwind Scenery_Grain_Land_Windfarms. All of these packages make extensive use of OpenSceneryX. In fact, the ‘Windfarm’ package only uses the OpenSceneryX library.
I would have had a difficult time developing these custom packages without OpenSceneryX.
Thank you very much for your contributions. I will send the URL link as soon as I get the packages into
It’s great to hear that OpenSceneryX has been so helpful in your projects, and thank you for the kind words. A couple of things:
1. Have you considered contributing your models to OSX to expand the library, instead of building your own libraries which every end-user has to download and install?
2. Can I just check that you didn’t take any items out of OpenSceneryX to create your libraries or packages? This isn’t permitted under the license, you would need to get individual permission from the authors of those items.