Vehicle Carrier ‘Galaxy Leader’

Scenery developers, use these paths to insert this item into your sceneries. You will see them inside WED and OverlayEditor.



General Details


Galaxy Leader is one of the biggest vehicle carriers. Japan-based Nippon Yusen Kaisha or NYK Line is one of the largest shipping companies in the world. It is a core Mitsubishi company.

Speed: 20 kts, tonnage: 42,000 gross register tons (GRT).

Object-specific Details

  • Dimensions These are the outermost bounds of the object.:
    • w: 38.4m (125.98ft)
    • h: 46.8m (153.54ft)
    • d: 191.5m (628.28ft)
  • Contains Named Lights This object contains named lighting effects. For more information, see the official documentation.

Please note that you must download the library as a whole from the OpenSceneryX home page, we do not provide downloads for individual items. If you are a scenery developer and want to know why this is, and how to use the library correctly in your sceneries, start here.