ⓘScenery developers, use these paths to insert this item into your sceneries. You will see them inside WED and OverlayEditor.
General Details
- Original Author: Dieter Rosenkranz
- Modifications By: Florian (PilotFlo)
Galaxy Leader is one of the biggest vehicle carriers. Japan-based Nippon Yusen Kaisha or NYK Line is one of the largest shipping companies in the world. It is a core Mitsubishi company.
Speed: 20 kts, tonnage: 42,000 gross register tons (GRT).
Object-specific Details
- Dimensions ⓘThese are the outermost bounds of the object.:
- w: 38.4m (125.98ft)
- h: 46.8m (153.54ft)
- d: 191.5m (628.28ft)
- Contains Named Lights ⓘThis object contains named lighting effects. For more information, see the official documentation.
Please note that you must download the library as a whole from the OpenSceneryX home page, we do not provide downloads for individual items. If you are a scenery developer and want to know why this is, and how to use the library correctly in your sceneries, start here.